Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The Greatest Single Crime of the Bush Administration?

Clearly there is a long list of evils that the Bush administration has perpetrated, but it still boggles my mind that they brainwashed the US troops who invaded Iraq to think that they were avenging 9/11. 90% of the troops who invaded Iraq thought that they were going into Iraq to kill the terrorists who hit us on 9/11.

Think of the audacity and pure evil it took for the Bush administration and Pentagon to drum the fictitious Iraq-9/11 connection into soldiers minds-- and then the pure havoc this brainwashing led to, as the US slaughtered and tortured innocent Iraqis -- crimes that were deeply immoral in themselves but also acts that completely counter-productive to the stated goal of establishment of order and the building of a democracy.

Of course, at this point, it is almost easy to forget the audacity and pure evil it took for the Bush administration to promote the fake threat of Iraq's WMD and thus to start an unprovoked war.

Clearly, if they were going to lie about something so big, what can we put past them?